Dr Mauro Farella
Mauro Farella is Professor and Chair of Orthodontics, Head of the Postgraduate Programme in Orthodontics (Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry), and Director of the Research Programme “Craniofacial Research”, at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Otago, New Zealand.
His current main research interests include clinical orthodontics, biomechanics, craniofacial growth and imaging, jaw function, oral biology, translational research using animal models, and development of wearable devices in dentistry and orthodontics. In addition, Mauro Farella is a widely recognised expert in orofacial muscles, bruxism, and temporomandibular joint research. Internationally, his past research endeavours have been supported with research grants amounting to over one million Euros.
He is Associate Editor of the Journal “Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research”, of the “Korean Journal of Orthodontics”, and member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Oral Rehabilitation”.
He has lectured in 22 different countries and is the recipient of several national and international research prizes, such as the Alan Docking Award from the International Association for Dental Research, and the Sir John Walsh Award, and the Research Supervisor of the Year (2021) Award, to acknowledge the excellence achieved in dental research and postgraduate supervision. Mauro Farella is a specialist in Orthodontics registered in New Zealand and practises clinical orthodontics exclusively.