Dr Azza Al-Ani

Azza is a specialist orthodontist working at Shakespeare Orthodontics in Epsom and Takapuna, in Auckland. In 2009, Azza graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Credit from the University of Otago. She worked as a Dental House Surgeon at Auckland, Greenlane and Middlemore Hospitals; and as a Dental Officer at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital. Before commencing her specialist training, she held a part-time Professional Practice Fellow position at the Faculty of Dentistry, while working as a dentist in private practice.
Azza graduated from the University of Otago with a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics. She passed examinations to gain memberships into the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Azza is also certified with the Australasian Orthodontic Board (AOB), and is a member of the New Zealand Association of Orthodontists (NZAO), and the New Zealand Dental Association. Currently, she is the AOB Convenor for New Zealand members, holds a role on the NZAO Executive, and is part of the NZAO Wish for a Smile Trust team.
Azza’s area of research interest is hypodontia. She has presented about this topic at the European Orthodontic Society Congress, and at the International Association Dental Research ANZ Scientific Meeting; and has been involved in the publication of numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals.