The Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education NZAO Charitable Trust (FORENZAO) was set up in 2005 to promote and encourage research into orthodontic advancement. Specifically, the Trust:
- Funds scientific and clinical research exploring methods for improved orthodontic care
- Encourages and supports scientific and clinical research and specialist orthodontic health care
- Supports post-graduate education associated with the discipline of orthodontics within New Zealand, including the support of students and lecturers involved in such education
- Promotes education about orthodontic health care in the community generally
- Assists movements, groups and organisations endeavouring to support and promote the above purposes
FORENZAO assists in funding projects run by the Education and Research Development Group (ERDG) of the NZAO. FORENZAO gathers funds for the ERDG through NZAO member contributions and sponsorship from related commercial enterprises.

The Education and Research Development Group (ERDG) is committed to fostering the twin activities of education and research in the field of orthodontics, both in New Zealand and internationally. It was set up to provide the NZAO with a unique, freethinking and relatively independent body to spend time on matters important for the long term development of the profession.
Its considerations would range as widely as required on any matter of consequence to the Association: legislative, professional, investigative or clinical, with its work unfettered by the need to react but rather having the freedom to explore.
The ERDG has initiated its own research, proposed research topics and supported existing research with resources and finance. It has made contributions to the research and teaching resources of the Discipline of Orthodontics, University of Otago, and has assisted in the research funding for the graduate orthodontic students.
Grants have also been made to dental students in New Zealand and Australia who are undertaking orthodontic related research.

Wish For A Smile (WFAS) is a charitable trust run by the New Zealand Association of Orthodontists (NZAO). We are a group of specialist orthodontists who have provided free orthodontic treatment to more than 250 deserving young New Zealanders whose families would otherwise be unable to afford orthodontic care.